Biometrics, Voice, Security and more trends in the conversational world 

The way people search for information, request services and interact with brands has changed significantly thanks to the current digital transformation and acceleration. Users live on the internet and while doing so they look for – and demand – practicality. On the road to UX, many technologies have emerged that involve the human body to concretize and validate these interactions. A new concept is born that addresses the topic that has been on everyone's lips lately, security and the internet: biometrics.

At Simpletech, we have been pioneers in Uruguay in applying this technology and we plan to impact the usability and experience of hundreds of thousands of people in 2022.  


 There are two types of biometric identification and recognition solutions: Physical and behavioral.  

In this post we will focus on physical biometric solutions. These are the ones that have been growing by leaps and bounds in recent times, as security authentication factors in purchasing processes, access to sensitive information and even access to platforms. Biometric security uses characteristics of certain parts of the human body that due to their biological particularities are unique to each human being. Examples of these are: the face, the iris and the voice. These are capable of transforming this information into a code that is understandable for the AI system. According to Allerin, the multinational big data giant, biometrics is brilliant but combined with artificial intelligence its potential and sagacity has no limits.  


Did you know that today it is possible to use voice to serve the security of the company and your users? Imagine allowing customers to use WhatsApp (or the social channel of your choice) to securely access personal information and make payments. This system, also known as voice verification or speaker recognition, uses a person's voice as an identification factor. 

Learn more about voice biometrics and how it can impact your business by clicking HERE.


  • Security: More than 70 parts of the body contribute to a person's ability to produce speech, and each of those parts is unique to that person. With the voice, you can enhance security without the need to add human efforts or complex programming developments. 
  • Practicality: Enables fast, frictionless access. No more frustrating and vulnerable passwords, PINs, tokens or easy-to-forget questions. 
  • Flexibility: There are many different use cases in which it can be applied, from contact centers, apps, chatbots, IoT devices and even access to physical locations. 
  • Personalization: You can use it to instantly identify your customers so you can offer them personalized attention based on their profile, preferences and consumption habits. 
  • Release of resources: This solution will allow you to free up support agents who usually waste time verifying users and resetting passwords. 


The way people search for information online has changed significantly in recent years. They are increasingly using voice search while browsing on their mobile devices (this type of traffic accounts for 80% globally). According to Hubspot 65% of users aged 25 to 45 use voice to navigate. Let's ally ourselves with this resource, is undoubtedly the way to go when it comes to a successful customer journey.  


Gartner says In one of its studies focused on customer experience, by 2024 almost all customer service centers will be virtual. 

Investing in automated communications that rely on agile and practical security systems will undoubtedly be a competitive advantage. And this is where voice biometrics, a solution that scales in terms of users and possibilities, comes into play. At Simpletech we have been pioneers in this solution through our alliance with the New York company ID R&D, This innovation has allowed us to be recognized among the world top in security innovation. This is essential for companies that aim to differentiate themselves in the market by improving customer satisfaction and trust, while reducing their costs, increasing their opportunities to generate business and minimizing the risk of losing customers. 

Learn more about voice biometrics and how it can impact your business by clicking HERE.


👉 ID R&D and Simpletech launch the world's first implementation of voice authentication on WhatsApp 

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