SMS Marketing: Why is it so effective?

He 98% of SMS messages are opened, the 90% are read in the first 3 minutes and their click rate is 30%What do these metrics show? That the best way to reach customers and prospects is through the device everyone carries in their pocket. 

It's no mystery, building true relationships with customers takes work. We want to communicate with our customers, but we shouldn't wait for them to reach out because that will rarely happen. We have to go get their attention. How? By being proactive and going to where they are.

Here is a very successful channel: SMS Marketing. Also known as Text Marketing, it is an option because it is one of the least exploited by companies. In the era of social networks, users receive a volume of advertising impact in this medium that we dare to classify as: overwhelming. This makes the world of SMS unsaturated. You can thus differentiate yourself from your competitors and ensure that you will be using a medium that is direct and read (its average opening rate amounts to 90%- with link-).

We have already talked about its multiple benefits, which are validated by the statistics we have shared with you in previous articles (link to previous post).

What do we mean by SMS being direct? They are received immediately. Because they do not have to go through anti-spam filters, servers that create blacklists or complex algorithms. One of the main reasons is that they are simply non-intrusive.


Many experts argue that they can transform the customer experience, contrary to the erroneous myth that considers them obsolete. SMS marketing (ST site landing link) is growing at an astonishing rate.

It's easy to use and doesn't require downloading a brand's app to receive notifications. They introduced us to what was originally the digital messaging disruption. We've known them for a while now. That's why, according to eMarketer (link) are one of the preferred channels for customers.

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Running a mass text messaging campaign requires SMS marketing software like the one we have developed with our team of experts: Wittysend. Using a specialized platform (which also sends campaigns via WhatsApp) allows you to send mass communications at a low cost.

  • The message design should be clear and concise. With a call-to-action that the client can quickly understand. Links can be included. Emojis should not be underestimated either, studies show that their retention rate (making the person finish reading) is remarkable.
  • Automation marketing is the new marketing. Through SMS, you can schedule personalized communications based on different variables. Appointment reminders, confirmations, order statuses, mass campaigns with promos and offers. There are no limits to creativity.
  • Measurement is the differentiator of new media and new messaging platforms (link landing sms) and is the ability to measure everything. This factor must be taken advantage of to progressively optimize and make the strategy profitable.


5 billion people have access to the SMS channel (more than 701% of the total world population). eMarketer It also revealed that 9 out of 10 consumers prefer to receive communications through this channel. It is a channel that is growing at an astonishing rate: in 2016, 37 million messages were sent, in 2021 it rose to 47 million.
There are no more reasons to say yes to SMS Marketing. Take advantage and differentiate yourself from your competitors today.


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