Emerging leadership in times of transformation

As we grow as a company and our business model changes, our work teams not only grow, but they diversify. We live in a volatile and uncertain world and in this type of context we need people who can manage changes, who can adapt quickly to the transformations that the market proposes. What are the skills and abilities that are essential for a company? core to navigate the age of digitalization? 


The world has changed. There is no question about it. The importance of developing certain skills in leaders of organizations has emerged with great force in these times of change. Many of these changes are here to stay. And what no leader can afford is to leave these skills aside. 

Today, top decision-makers find themselves under a huge magnifying glass, questioned, observed, exposed and immersed in an enormous demand for effectiveness. Probably no other recent crisis has revealed the lack of a new type of leadership, ethical and effective, such as that derived from COVID-19. The Companies look for these new skills in their leaders when adding new decision makers., and searches therefore require a higher level of professionalism, attention to detail and the ability to evaluate the soft skills. It is not enough to manage. Today, leaders with a high level of commitment to the common good


For psychiatrist Enrique Rojas, an ethical leader must be: 

  • – Balanced 
  • – Managing the emotional 
  • -Be positive about the future 
  • – Be consistent 
  • – Possess an attractive personality 
  • – Be able to present your ideas 
  • – Have a space for personal reflection in which you can define your strategic vision 

In the new normal, these are some of the requirements that companies focus on when hiring their executives. We could say that, today more than ever, Leaders are expected whose leadership is based on reflection and inquiry, with a focus on the transformative capacity of the present. They must be ethically and socially responsible, committed and capable of establishing standards and cultural frameworks that guide ethical behavior. The task of recruiting becomes more thorough, exact and focused: these are times for adding value to a company


A truly successful leader understands that his human capital, his people and his collaborators, are there to be guided and accompanied. A leader serves his team. It is important that you have a vision of real commitment to the organization, creating a vision that inspires those who work for and around it to actively participate in key goals, objectives and the overall mission. They are able to quickly assess the gap between senior management and employees, and think of innovative strategies to encourage teams to act and feel satisfied as great contributors to the success of the organization. 

It is relevant in companies the internal communication, largely determined by their leaders. Therefore, it is necessary for them to be able to communicate their emotions, their thoughts, and to be totally synchronized with the messages delivered and received. A leader must have the ability to communicate effectively at all levels of the organization. 

Companies are increasingly looking for people who know how to delegate, who empower their teams. Encourage managers and employees to hold each other accountable for their plans and focus on achieving collective results. Leaders are expected, not micro-managers


In difficult times is when people who can are most needed. managing changes, who adapt quickly to the transformations proposed by the market and who communicate this, in order to ensure that the entire organization follows the necessary changes through visionary leadership. The ability to manage talent implies the ability to inspire teams and bring out the best in people. It is about provide he empowerment necessary to ensure that people can succeed. 

Particularly in the current climate, leaders need to be able to withstand the ups and downs, and continue to motivate their teams. This requires a commitment to positivity, even in times of extreme difficulty; leaders must encourage teams to think and act positively and infuse passion into their work, regardless of the circumstances or conditions. 


Companies value honesty and integrity. While leaders must be positive, when things are not going well, The truth must be communicated, whether you like to hear it or not. Subsequently, leaders must provide vision and encouragement to lead the organization forward. They must inspire confidence in their teams, without falling into arrogance. They must be seen to lead by example, not just by words. 

However, management is not the same as leadership: as leadership grows, the need to manage greatly diminishes as people become vision-driven. Leadership itself is not about operating procedures, metrics or working styles, but about vision and empowerment. 

However, leadership positions often require management skills. Many executives must learn to perform as visionary leaders, with a strong ability to Defining strategy and driving executionThis requires great versatility that allows the executive to establish clear objectives and goals, and communicate them effectively. 


Leadership is, in short, the set of managerial or directive skills that a person brings to bear when managing an area and his or her work team. And the skills needed to be a leader today are changing. Companies and people must adapt. We are in more demanding work environments, who are going through a crisis. We understand that one of the guidelines to have more certainty when choosing our leaders is focus on, from the beginning of the process, in a professional search. These are key selection processes for businesses, therefore, specific methodologies are necessary to ensure that people who meet the characteristics are reached, with a assessment of competencies and skills core to navigate this new uncertainty. 


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