How much does it cost to implement a chatbot for your business on WhatsApp?

There is nothing more desirable than providing the customer with the most agile and efficient service possible. For this reason, More and more companies are looking to implement chatbots to interact with users and customersThat's right: automatic conversations, which until recently seemed limited and inhuman, have reached a point of much greater fluidity and resolution with the advancement of AI, both for the client and the organization.

Today, it is known that users consider fast response time as the most important aspect of Customer Experience; they even expect it to be Company response occurs within 30 minutes or less.

If you don't want to lose competitiveness in terms of your customer service, you've probably identified that a chatbot is the solution and are wondering how much it costs to implement one for your business and which one you should choose. 

In this article we explain to you How much does it cost to implement a chatbot? for WhatsApp to increase customer service productivity and improve the user experience with your company. Let's get started!

Why implement a chatbot in your business?

Implementing a chatbot in your business comes with a number of great benefits that can boost your efficiency and improve customer experience. Below are some key reasons to consider adopting a chatbot:

  • Efficient Customer Service: Chatbots can provide fast and accurate responses to customer queries 24/7, improving customer service efficiency.
  • Saving Time and Resources: Automating routine and repetitive tasks through a chatbot frees up time and human resources for more strategic and specialized activities.
  • Scalability: Chatbots can handle multiple conversations simultaneously, making it easier to manage large volumes of queries without compromising service quality.
  • Lead Generation and Sales: By guiding users through a structured conversational process, chatbots can identify sales opportunities, provide product recommendations, and facilitate lead generation.
  • Personalization of Customer Experience: Chatbots can be programmed to personalize interactions with customers, adapting to their preferences and providing responses specific to their needs.
  • Real-Time Data Analysis: Chatbots can collect valuable data about customer interactions, facilitating real-time analysis and data-driven decision making.
  • Integration with Existing PlatformsChatbots can be integrated with other tools and platforms, such as customer relationship management (CRM) systems, or enterprise and internal operations and process management (ERP) applications, improving consistency and operational efficiency.

How much does it cost to implement a chatbot for your business with Simpletech?

If you want to start using chatbots in your business, WittySuite It's for you. Why? Because it contains a lot of tools and functionalities that allow us to develop versatile, flexible and scalable solutions, tailored to your needs. Each project is unique because it has its own requirements, and therefore, it also has its own price.

Let's see how the pricing of a WittySuite project is composed: 

1. Initial implementation cost

At Simpletech we do not sell a closed product, so an exploratory call/meeting is necessary to find out about the current situation of the company, understand its needs and where we can add value by automating and optimizing processes. 

This call allows us to measure the scope of the project and its complexity, in order to estimate the production time that translates into a single initial implementation cost.

The complexity lies in the possible integrations with company or third-party systems, such as CRM, ERP, databases, services from other companies, the inclusion of AI tools, or even the custom development of some personalized functionality for the client. 

2. Monthly license for message traffic

Cost of a monthly license for outgoing message traffic from the company, whether sent by an agent personally, a bot response, or a WhatsApp template (HSM) sent, which we will explain later. Incoming messages (sent by your users/customers) are not deducted from the license. 

These licenses start at 10,000 messages per month, and can be scaled at any time to 25,000, 50,000, 100,000, and so on to meet your needs. As the license price increases, the cost per message decreases. 

3. Cost per Meta conversations: 

Finally, There is a direct cost charged by Meta (WhatsApp) for 24-hour conversations.This cost can be paid directly to Meta, or, otherwise, we give you the option of paying it ourselves and including it in your monthly bill, adding 4% of this consumption for administrative costs.

Meta does not allow businesses on WhatsApp Business to freely write to people, unlike personal use of WhatsApp. Conversations can only be initiated by the company sending pre-approved template messages through Meta. These messages can be easily created and approved from our platform in minutes. 

Conversations are opened when a company sends you a Meta-approved HSM (highly structured message), or when a user writes to the company. Within this 24-hour window, you can send as many messages as you want, which will be deducted from your license (see point 2).

Once 24 hours have passed, the conversations expire, and To resume a conversation it is necessary to send a HSM or template again (with its associated cost), so that the person responds to you and enables you to continue chatting. This is done in order to protect WhatsApp users from spam and receiving unwanted messages from companies.

Conversation Categories and Prices

The costs of these 24-hour conversations depend on the type of conversation, which are separated into four categories and divided into two groups: Conversations initiated by the company, and customer initiated conversations.

Conversations initiated by the company:

Utility: updates on ongoing purchases/transactions, post-purchase notifications, billing summary, etc.

Authentication: allows businesses to authenticate users with one-time passcodes (login, verification, and account recovery processes).

Marketing: Any that does not qualify as Utility or Authentication. Includes promotions or offers, information submissions, invitations to respond or take action.

User-initiated conversations:

Service: all user-initiated conversations that help customers resolve queries. 

Below we detail the costs of the different categories depending on the country:

4. Cost per conversation on other channels

It is also possible, and highly recommended, to integrate more channels that can respond with a chatbot. Always verify what experience the company can offer its customers adapted to the possibilities offered by the channel.
In that case it depends on the channel costs, SMS for example have a cost for each message sent, on Instagram and Webchat there are no channel costs for sending messages, it should be noted that they are subtracted from the traffic of the contracted license.

If you want to implement a chatbot for your business, please feel free to contact us!


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