Voice biometrics and security: the passwordless world 

Technology has forced industries to change their mindset. Digital disruption has changed our lifestyle and, along with it, the way we consume services, products and what we expect from the companies that provide them. Banking, financial, health, insurance and other sectors that handle sensitive user information are aware that data privacy and security are the great challenge today. Biometrics is at their service. 


Biometrics how Identification and authentication factor It is something that is already around us, although we may not know it by that term. It consists of being able to confirm a purchase order with my fingerprint, unlock the screen of my smartphone with my face or activate a virtual assistant with my voice. We are talking about practicality and security where the focus is on the user experience. 

We have already told you what it consists of and the different types of biometrics that exist and how it works. 


Securely accessing personal information, making payments, and authenticating yourself to enter a system or tool is now possible without frustrating and vulnerable passwords, PINs, or easy-to-forget questions. As many cybersecurity experts say, Currently the safest password is no password. 

The voice is a factor that represents a unprecedented differential in terms of security. It is a unique and invulnerable trait of each individual thanks to the 72 parts of the human body involved in its unique creation. This makes it clear why voice biometrics implementations in the business world are increasingly used and valued.  


We've talked a lot about Customer Experience (CX) on this blog. Here we're talking about experience at its finest. Using voice biometrics as an authentication factor makes it possible to achieve this. no need to use frustrating and vulnerable passwords, PINs or authentication based on prior knowledge. And the best part: It is not necessary to switch from one channel to another to complete the action.  


Together with our technological allies at ID R&D, We developed the first implementation of voice biometrics in WhatsApp. This unprecedented development and innovation worldwide earned us a Recognition at Paytech Awards.  

We've taken a step forward in terms of security for customer service on WhatsApp for businesses, for finance, health, insurance or any sensitive information.   

This was The first and only experience of using biometrics through WhatsApp in the worldWe designed an experience that allows us to put the user first, allowing them to access sensitive information through WhatsApp in the safest and most intuitive way possible… with their voice.  

Why is forgetting your password safer than having one?  

The term “ is gaining more and more strengthpasswordless”, when talking about authentication and identification processes. As we saw, the factors that make Biometrics, an invulnerable resource, allows reducing fraud and even operating costs from the bank, healthcare company or other industry that wants to implement it.  


Our clients have changed, we must accompany them in that change brought about by digital transformation. Omnichannel requires efforts and customer focused solutionsOur guiding light is no longer our product, but rather how our product can simplify our client's life. The application of biometrics in social channels is undoubtedly an ally on that path. A solution that we developed at Simpletech with which we have been innovating, being pioneers in the region and the world.  

Learn more about voice biometrics and how it can impact your business by clicking HERE. 


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