How to keep your WhatsApp Business account healthy:

The health of your WhatsApp account refers to the status of your account based on the interactions you have had through template campaigns (HSM).
If this is good, you will be able to keep your campaigns active without any problems; if not, you will face challenges such as the following:

  • Stopped campaigns: due to a template becoming inactive or paused.
  • Blockages: to open any type of conversation and add numbers to the account. These may vary in length.
  • Deactivation from the WhatsApp Business account.
  • Limits on the number of conversations initiated by the company (Marketing).

Why is my account health poor?

This can have several causes:

  • Accounts that repeatedly violate WhatsApp Business rules will be subject to the restrictions mentioned above.
  • Bad customer feedback, which decreases the quality rating from a template and can stop campaigns.

Why do I get bad feedback?

  • You send templates to users who They have not accepted receive messages from your company.
  • You send templates that They are not useful to the user.
  • You send templates with too often.
  • You send templates not optimized in content and length.

How to maintain good health?

  • Make sure the templates follow the WhatsApp Business Policy and Trade Policy.
  • Send templates only to users who have agreed to receive them of your company.
  • Create custom templates and? are useful to users. Avoid sending open-ended introductory or welcome templates.
  • Keep in mind the template frequency. Avoid sending too many templates per day to users. Adopt a prudent attitude with informative templates, and optimize content and length.


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