How to collect payments through WhatsApp Business

Medium and large companies are increasingly turning to WhatsApp as a communication channel with their customers. The reason is simple: the widespread use of WhatsApp throughout the world due to its agility and ease of use. 

In this article we explain to you How to collect payments with WhatsApp Business and what are its advantages.

What is WhatsApp Business API?

The WhatsApp Business API is the version designed for large companies, which has some additional specific functions to establish simple and secure communications with your customers.

In case you want to integrate the WhatsApp API into your business, you will have to request a partnership with one of Meta's business solution providers. Here we leave you the Facebook link so you can do it.

Step by step: how to make a payment on WhatsApp Business

Collecting payments through WhatsApp Business is a convenient and easy practice that can save time for both the company and the client. Let's see how to do it step by step:

Prior preparation

  • First of all, make sure you have set up the payments feature in WhatsApp Business and have linked a bank account.
  • Organize information related to the collection, such as the amount to be collected, description of the product or service, payment terms, and any other relevant details. 

Start a conversation with the client

  • Open WhatsApp Business and search for the contact of the client you want to collect payment from. This step can be done with a chatbot. If you want to start using chatbots in your business, WittySuite it's for you. 

Send the payment request

  • In the conversation with the client, click on the attach icon (usually represented by a paper clip) and select the option “Request payment" either "Pay for an order«.
  • Enter the amount you wish to charge and add a description of the product or service if necessary.
  • Please verify that all details are correct and then press submit.

Confirm receipt of payment

  • Once you have sent the payment request, let the customer know that you have sent the request and that you are waiting for their confirmation.
  • You can provide additional information such as accepted payment methods and any other relevant details.

Track and manage payment

  • Maintain open communication with the customer to ensure they have received the payment request and are in the process of making the payment.
  • Once the customer has made payment, confirm receipt of the payment and proceed with the steps required to complete the transaction, such as delivering the product or providing the service.

Record the transaction

  • Keep track of all payments made through WhatsApp Business to keep track of your income and expenses.
  • Use accounting tools or internal records to keep a detailed record of each transaction.

Advantages of using WhatsApp Business

Using WhatsApp Business to sell products or services offers a number of advantages that can benefit both businesses and customers. Ultimately, it's all about reaching the customer in the most direct and fluid way for them. At one point it was phone calls, for example; today we know that no one wants to answer a call to receive an offer or promotion. Now, WhatsApp has become the main means of communication for everyday activities, and that's why companies and organizations are adapting to use this new channel. 

The first advantage, then, is that this instant messaging platform provides a direct and convenient communication channel between sellers and consumers. This immediate accessibility allows for faster and more personalized interaction, which can influence and even determine conversion in the sales process and improve the customer experience.

One of the main benefits of using WhatsApp Business is its ability to build stronger relationships with customers. By allowing real-time, two-way communication, Sellers can respond quickly and effectively to customer queries, offering personalized advice, providing after-sales support and resolving problems in a timely manner. This individualized attention helps to generate customer trust and loyalty, which in turn can translate into increased sales.

Another key advantage: the ability to share detailed information about products or services through text messages, images, videos and attached documents, with the possibility of putting together a catalogue with photos and information. This allows sellers to present their products in a more visual and persuasive way, giving customers a better understanding of what they are purchasing and facilitating the purchasing decision-making process.

Additionally, WhatsApp Business offers additional features specifically designed to help businesses manage and optimize their sales operations. These include: Tools to create product catalogs, automate responses to frequently asked questions, schedule messages, and analyze performance metricsThese features enable salespeople to more efficiently manage their customer conversations, improve productivity, and make informed decisions to drive business growth. 

If you are interested in any of these features, check out Witty Suite, the system that allows companies and organizations to manage and administer responses on the main messaging channels, integrating systems and processes so that the customer does not feel friction between the different channels.

Finally, using WhatsApp Business to make sales can translate into an economic benefit. The reasons are several, but mainly eliminates the need to invest in expensive infrastructure or traditional advertising campaigns. By integrating with other payment and customer management systems, WhatsApp Business offers a comprehensive and flexible solution that adapts to the needs of different types of businesses, from small businesses to large corporations. If you are interested in integrating with other customer service channels, learn about Witty Agent, our omnichannel proposal.


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