How to simplify your payments through WhatsApp, Instagram and Facebook

WittyPay allows you to simplify the payment process through gateways such as Mercado Pago, Prometheus, Stripe, Paypal, Sistarbanc, among others; through channels such as WhatsApp, FB Messenger and Instagram.

How does WittyPay work?

1) The person interact through your channel of choice with the company to which you want to make a payment, contract a service or buy a product.

2) Choose the desired option: Pay a bill, hire a service, buy a product.

3) Witty asks him confirm your identity with its database, if you are a registered user; otherwise, it will ask you for the data necessary to identify you.

4) Witty generate a payment link based on the payment methods configured by the company and sends it to the user.

5) The user enters the link and choose the payment method.

6) Enter the platform confident in the chosen method and finalize payment.

Automated messages

Once the process has started, Witty evaluates its status, and can send scheduled messages to resume it in case of abandonment or delay.

This process can end in three ways:

1- Successful payment:

2- Payment error

3- Time out

After a few minutes (defined by the company), Witty sends a scheduled message to resume the payment process. This is ideal for abandoned cart recovery.

Below we show you a use case from our client San Cristobal Insurance:

Find out what else you can do with Witty: WittyBots | WittyAgentWittySend

WittySuite continues to grow, and this is for and by our clients. Being a company Customer Centric challenges us to be in constant contact with our clients, and thus actively listen to their concerns and needs.

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