Febraban TECH 2022: open banking, AI, anti-fraud security, this is everything that happened

Febraban TECH 2022 is the most important event in the region in terms of technological innovation aimed at the financial world. Wherever innovation goes, that's where we go, which is why PhD José Luis Horta, CIO at Simpletech, was in São Paulo, Brazil showing some of our implementations and solutions. We learned a lot in three days of exchange and training. In this post, you will find out more. 


Global leaders (such as Amazon, Santander, Deloitte, Itaú, IBM, Microsoft, SAP, among many others) spoke at conferences, discussion panels and trade shows that showcased the best technologies on the market today.  

Participants attentive to the lecture in the exhibition hall of the Biennial of Sao Paulo.

The days were intensely rich. It would be impossible to summarize in an article what the lessons were, but we can share the most relevant key takeaways: 


Developing a 360-degree view of the customer is essential to building fluid journeys that attract and approach the consumer in the best way with the latest in multiple contact channels is one of the objectives of hyperpersonalization. 

This was made abundantly clear in the panel, which focused on the importance of creating unique, humanized experiences in a scalable way. 

There is no hyperpersonalization without a unified view of the customer, experts say. 

"And this is not just a technological change, difficult and cumbersome. There is a question of processes and organization that is fundamental for hyperpersonalization to occur.", explained Juliana Somenzari, IT Head at Santander Brazil. Ultimately, what is at stake is the satisfaction of hyper-connected customers, seeking their loyalty. “Banking is a basic product, right? Many products are the same. Everyone has loans, cards, investments. The difference can be in experience,” said the expert. 

PhD José Luis Horta, CIO at Simpletech, together with our technological partners ID R&D, welcomed interested parties and colleagues at their personalized stand.


We must evolve, because the client changes, behavior changes and desires change. 

 AI must be the ally in the process of digital transformation. Exploiting its benefits and potential must be a priority in companies. This brings with it the incorporation of new skills to our human capital. experience oriented. 

Taking this technology to real applications, chatbots, for example, have been used as hyper-personalization tools, complementing customers' expectations of a personal service, focused on their needs. "They have to be prepared to meet the demands of our customers. There is a great journey that needs to be promoted there", Juliana explained. 

These conversational bots are living organisms, they were created to replace a person who will serve other people. This service must be updated and optimized, keeping up with the constant: change. 


Hyperpersonalization presupposes that the bank communicates relevant and flexible offers to the consumer, flexible to their needs and behavioral history with the company. This also implies using AI to identify, filter and segment information efficiently.  

Innovation was the focus not only of the event's exhibitions and talks but also of the entire infrastructure surrounding it.

“Customers want simplicity. They want to get to the touchpoint and be informed, for example, that a certain account is going to mature.”, explains Roberto Campos Neto, a Brazilian economist with extensive experience in decision-making roles in Brazilian banking. 


Open banking began to be implemented in February 2021, as part of the innovation agenda of the Central Bank of Brazil.  

The digital world continues to create opportunities. Open finance makes it easier to compare alternatives that lead them to identify the best institution for them.  

What is this world of Open Finance all about? 

It consists of sharing user information through third-party channels, with security as a barrier to entry to personalize services and offers. 

PhD José Luis Horta, a luxury representative of the Simpletech team at Febraban TECH 2022.


While security has always been a priority area when defining financial technology budgets, with open banking, its relevance is even greater. 

In the innovation panel, the number of data leaks and frauds in Brazil was mentioned first, in addition to highlighting the importance of Pix (Brazil's instant payment system is one that allows immediate transfers and payments, 24 hours a day). In 2021 alone, it saw an increase of 1,65% in its use. 

"It is necessary to show the user that security must be the main pillar of a financial institution", Felipe Penido, Head of Market Research at ID Wall. 

As a good practice, it is important to comply with fundamental factors that involve accessing the user's vital data that proves their identification. It is about identifying who you are, what you have and what you know. 

According to research, approximately 95% of document frauds are carried out using the user's photo, so it is impossible to carry out this verification without complicating the process with other unique and unrepeatable factors.  

This is where the concept of voice biometrics, something we have talked about extensively on this blog and area in which We are pioneers in the world.  

"It is necessary to study what frauds are occurring in the country, because they are constantly being updated and improved, and this point can only be found if the company knows what points it needs to adjust. In addition, monitoring customer history can facilitate the identification of various types of fraud," it was concluded at the discussion table. 

This type of authentication factor makes onboarding new customers more agile, secure and automated. In addition, it is possible to ensure that your operation is in compliance with legislation and reduces the risks of identity fraud. 

SIMPLETECH AT FEBRABAN 2022: Conversation and disruption 

Voice biometrics is something that is here to stay. We were the first company in the world to implement voice authentication in WhatsApp Business and that has caught the attention of companies throughout the region and especially in São Paulo it was a disruptor. 


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