Technologies in finance: a new trend in debt recovery

Debt collection by a company from a client is a classic that can change in form and context over the years, but at its core it is the same: how to get the client to pay off his debt? Today, there is a A new trend in finance that allows us to deal with debt collection without subjecting our human agents to the arduous task of locating the client and dealing with them.

It is about the chatbots via Whatsapp Business, a technology increasingly used by companies of different types (public, private, medium and large) that allows saving resources, informing the client of their situation, offering payment methods and assistance if needed. 

In this article by Simpletech we explain the advantages of using WhatsApp Business for debt collection, mistakes to avoid and how to centralize customer service channels. Let's get started!

Why use chatbots on WhatsApp to recover debts? 

Using chatbots on WhatsApp for debt collection can offer several advantages for both businesses and customers. Here are a few reasons why it is beneficial:

  • Accessibility: First of all, WhatsApp is the most widely used messaging platform worldwide, which means that most people have access to it through their cell phones. Using a chatbot on WhatsApp Business allows businesses to communicate with customers quickly and conveniently.
  • InteractivityChatbots can offer an interactive and personalized experience to users. They have the ability to answer questions, provide information on debt status, offer payment options, and resolve common issues instantly.
  • Automation: Chatbots can automate much of the debt collection process, saving businesses time and resources. In addition, in the specific case of debt collection, the awkward situation with the customer is avoided. Chatbots can send payment reminders, manage payment plans, and follow a predefined conversation flow to resolve common queries.
  • Efficiency: By using chatbots, businesses can manage a high volume of cases efficiently, without the need for human intervention for repetitive tasks. This can reduce operational costs and increase productivity.
  • Security: WhatsApp offers end-to-end encryption to protect the privacy of conversations, providing security for both businesses and customers when handling sensitive debt-related information.
  • Follow-up: Chatbots can automatically track conversations and payment commitments, allowing businesses to keep accurate and organized records of customer interactions in the debt collection process. This last point is important: customer conversation tracking must be possible across multiple communication channels, which is why a good omnichannel customer service scheme is key. 

The importance of the omnichannel scheme when it comes to debt collection

He omnichannel scheme plays a crucial role in the debt collection process. Why? Because it allows companies to interact with customers in an integrated manner through multiple communication channels. This strategy is essential to improve efficiency and customer experience during the collection process. Let's now look at some of them. Common mistakes to avoid when implementing an omnichannel debt collection scheme.

One of the most common mistakes is the lack of coherence in communication between different channels. For example, if a customer receives a payment reminder via email but then receives a conflicting message on WhatsApp, it can lead to confusion and frustration.

Another mistake is not adapting the message and tone of communication to each specific channel. What works well in an email may not be suitable for a text message or a notification on WhatsApp. It is important to personalize the message based on the channel and context to ensure a consistent and relevant customer experience.

Furthermore, not leveraging the full capabilities of each channel can limit the effectiveness of the omnichannel scheme. For example, WhatsApp offers the possibility of using chatbots to automate certain interactions and provide quick responses to customer queries. Not leveraging this functionality can result in lower efficiency and customer satisfaction.

It is also important Avoid the lack of follow-up and coordination between the different teams and departments involved in the recovery processFragmented and uncoordinated communication can lead to errors and duplication of efforts, negatively impacting the customer experience and the effectiveness of the debt collection process.

Why use WittySuite for debt collection?

Taking into account the above points, it is important to centralize customer service on a platform that allows for the management of fluid omnichannel service. There is nothing worse than wanting to collect a customer's debt and not organizing our information internally! 

That's why WittySuite is a powerful suite of tools that allows you to centralize the attention of your communication channels such as WhatsApp, Instagram, Facebook Messenger, SMS, Mail and Webchat in a single platform.

WittyBots for Debt Collection

  • Interaction Automation: Bots can handle payment reminders and automatically communicate with debtors across multiple channels, ensuring messages arrive in a timely and consistent manner.
  • Scalability and Efficiency: It allows you to manage a large volume of interactions without the need to increase staff, while maintaining constant and personalized attention.
  • Referral to Human Agents: In case of complex interactions, the bot can refer to a human agent, ensuring proper attention and increasing the recovery rate. Negotiating payment plans and refinancing.
  • Metrics and Analysis: Provides data on the effectiveness of interactions and allows for the adjustment of debt collection strategies based on debtor behavior.

WittyAgent for Debt Collection

  • Centralized Communications Management: It allows you to manage all interactions with debtors from a single platform, integrating multiple channels.
  • Multiagent and Roles: Allows multiple agents to handle interactions simultaneously, assigning specific roles and hierarchies for efficient debt collection management.
  • Organization by Trays: It facilitates the organization of queries by topic, client status or company area, allowing for more efficient monitoring of each debt collection case.
  • Real-Time Statistics: Provides real-time data on agent performance and interactions, helping to identify areas for improvement and adjust collection strategies.
  • Intuitive Interface: Agents can manage multiple conversations simultaneously and asynchronously, optimizing time management and response to debtors.

WittySend for Debt Collection

  • Centralization of Communications: Facilitates the management of debt collection campaigns via WhatsApp, SMS and Email from a single platform, improving coordination and monitoring.
  • Personalization and Segmentation: Create specific and segmented messages based on the debtor's profile and behavior, increasing the probability of recovery by adapting the messages to each particular case.
  • Automation and Programming: It allows you to schedule reminders and payment notifications automatically, ensuring that debtors receive messages at key times.
  • Integration with Existing Systems: It easily connects to company databases and systems, ensuring that debt and payment information is up-to-date and accessible for efficient management.

These Simpletech tools not only improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the debt collection process, but also ensure consistent and personalized communication with debtors.

It's time to take debt collection to the next level!


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